Marc-Evan-Katzen-2-2 – Lightly Braised Turnip

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Dear Marc,

I am 22 years old and I found myself masturbating at least once or twice or three times a day. I am concerned that it is affecting my social life and is getting in the way of my dating. Can frequent masturbation cause problems with dating?


“Sir Jerk-A-Lot”



The short answer to your question is… “yes.”  Frequent masturbation can get in the way of your dating life. The science is not clear yet but it seems that those who masturbate more than once per day show lower testosterone levels and lower frequency of engaging in coitus.  My personal belief is that we will soon find that masturbating does, in fact, lower testosterone levels and our teachers and religious leaders should discourage our young men from masturbating rather than encourage it.

Another reason not to masturbate: recent evidence supporting the old wives’ tale that masturbating causes blindness. Researchers at Stanford University Medical School have found that masturbatingcan causes temporary blindness and even permanent sight impairment.  The human eye is a very delicate instrument, and the researchers speculate that the damage caused by masturbation may be a result of gyrations that occur during masturbation may cause partial detachment of the retina.

Jerky, if you find yourself having trouble not masturbating try taking a long walk or seek out the company of a female member of your family.  Being in the presence of a female blood relative will quickly turn off any horniness that you have.  Ever masturbate after being nagged by your mother?  I didn’t think so.


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